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Adventures in Success + Filmmaker Live Q&A

Barnes Film Festival

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Please join us for a live Q&A with Director & Writer Jay Buim and co-writer Susan Juvet  after this screening

Led by a mystical female founder, a cult masquerading as a wellness startup settles in the Catskills to build community and practice a ritual called Jilling Off. They believe that by prioritizing female pleasure, they will heal Mother Earth. The group faces prejudice and bureaucracy from the local townspeople and begins to question their own motives as they strive to manifest utopia.


"Adventures in Success is a sharp, ribald take-down of the wellness and spirituality influencer con game, revealed with hilarious precision from the inside.”-Alliance of Women Film Journalists


"The movie is beautifully made, and exudes authenticity. It makes us laugh, cringe, and think deeply about ourselves and who we shun or welcome in the name of comfort." -BUST Magazine

Rating Information:
Year of release:
Barnes Film Festival
Jay Buim
Khan Baykal, Asia Lee Boostani, Drew Freed
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