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AVS - Super Massive Game Live Demonstration

Barnes Film Festival

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A live demonstration and talk about the development of the newly released game, "The Quarry", from the makers of Until Dawn, using motion capture technology and horror filming techniques to create an immersive horror-filled experience for players.

As the sun sets on the last day of summer camp, the teenage counsellors of Hackett's Quarry throw a party to celebrate. No kids. No adults. No rules. Things quickly take a turn for the worse.

Hunted by blood-drenched locals and something far more sinister, the teens' party plans unravel into an unpredictable night of horror. Friendly banter and flirtations give way to life-or-death decisions, as relationships build or break under the strain of unimaginable choices.

We're delighted to be joined by The Quarry's game director, BAFTA Winner Will Byles. Ever wanted to find out what it takes to make a blockbuster game? Here's your chance to hear how it's done!

Barnes Film Festival
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