After captivating audiences around the world performing in multiple Bollywood shows such as Beyond Bollywood, Indika, or Zindagi, and after several years of choreographing for the Indian film industry, Mohit Mathur is bringing his energy and expertise to Riverside Studios!
Prepare yourself for a vibrant 75-minute Bollywood dance class where you’ll dive into the lively world of Bollywood. The session kicks off with dynamic warm-ups, followed by learning essential dance vocabulary, mastering expressive movements, and, of course, grooving to the beat with Mohit’s signature choreography. This is more than just a dance class—it's a chance to immerse yourself in a fun, judgement-free environment where you can truly let loose. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a complete beginner, Mohit's infectious enthusiasm and easy-to-follow teaching style will have you moving with confidence. Discover a new style filled with expressive gestures and flowing movements, all set to the tunes of popular Bollywood hits. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the joy and freedom of Bollywood dance. Get ready to sweat, smile, and dance your heart out!