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Mubi Monday: Faya Dayi

Barnes Film Festival

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A spiritual journey into the highlands of Harar, immersed in the rituals of khat, a leaf Sufi Muslims chewed for centuries for religious meditations - and Ethiopia's most lucrative cash crop today.


Mystical and profoundly moving. - IMDB

Jessica Beshir's striking feature-length debut, is constructed in such a way that it seems you are watching it "in your mind," an inner space where the images have powerful and symbolic resonance, as happens in dreams. - Roger Ebert


A is a Hallucinatory, striking, black and white hybrid docu-drama about Ethiopia’s Most Lucrative Cash Crop. - Indiewire

Beshir creates a mystical sensation,  monochrome black-and-white photography and allusive style. - New York Times


Rating Information:
Drug references
Run time:
119 mins
Year of release:
Barnes Film Festival
Jessica Beshir
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