Return to the Bering. Multi award-winning documentary filmmaker and explorer Ben Weiland ventures out into unchartered reaches of the Bering Strait in search of unridden realms and frigid adventures. Accompanied by Pete Devries, Josh Mulcoy, Mark McInnis and Noah Wegrich, he boards a tiny plane and heads to this inhospitable region off the far fringes of Alaska, braving recalcitrant weather, unreliable transport links and sometimes formidable wildlife. They discover a rich culture and ancient landscape, but will they also be rewarded with world class waves?
What does pushing the boundaries in the craziest slabs and most terrifying waves look like in an era when accepted norms are constantly being broken? Meet Shane Ackerman, hard charging star of Astronaut in the Ocean, directed by one of our favourites, Keith Malloy. With insights from Mick Fanning, Tom Carroll and Russell Bierke, his mind blowing, funny and intimate portrait will have you gasping, laughing and questioning life choices… in equal measure.
How do you live a life less ordinary? How do you build a life of purpose? Being Plastic from visual artist Andy Hughes and M.A.D., an intimate portrait of Chris Hines MBE, groundbreaking environmentalist, activist and co-founder of SAS, provide just the inspiration to those questions.
We’re honored to have Chris Hines join us for a very special Q+A.
Showing with: Shorties shortlisted film, 5mins, UK