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The Secrets Of VFX With Peter Eszenvi

Barnes Film Festival

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Come and join Peter Eszenyi at this Visual Effects workshop.

Peter is a VFX Supervisor and Creative Director whose portfolio includes major motion pictures like Blade Runner 2049, Ghost In The Shell, Pacific Rim: Uprising, and, more recently, Matrix: Resurrections. He is a member of the Visual Effects Society. He has recently completed work on the much anticipated "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" series for Netflix.

Peter leads design teams and supervises visual effects and visual development for feature films, television shows and commercials. Peter is also a speaker and a guest lecturer at universities and various events, including FITC Amsterdam 2020, IBC Amsterdam 2019, FMX 2018 Stuttgart, Playgrounds Eindhoven 2019 and CG World Tokyo 2017.

Barnes Film Festival
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